Géopolitique de l’art contemporain. Une remise en cause de l’hégémonie américaine ? (2e édition revue et augmentée)

Nathalie Obadia, 2023
10,5 x 18 - format poche - broché

ISBN: 979-10-318-0559-7

pages: 248
The Louvre in Abu Dhabi, Art Basel in Miami and now in Paris, and the creation of a prestigious museum in Berlin are all events of contemporary art as a tool of influence. A marker of power, art measures the degree of emancipation of a country, its power of attraction and its place in the world.
Largely dominated by the United States and, more broadly, the Western world since the mid-twentieth century, the art scene is gradually opening to new powers and new societal demands.
By studying the role of the various actors, artists, collectors and museums, Nathalie Obadia analyses the evolution of the links between and geopolitics, questioning in particular the domination of American and Western soft power.
Nathalie Obadia is a gallery owner specialising in contemporary art.
She owns two galleries, one in Paris and the other in Brussels, and also teaches at Sciences Po Paris.
2nd revised and expanded edition
of 77