Chapter 3, Mirrored Infinities is a group show functioning as a mirror image from Chapter 1, Scripted Truths, The Agprognostic Temple's manifesto exhibition about private mythology, spirituality and esotericism featuring Ricardo Brey, Fia Cielen, Benjamin Husson, Felix Kindermann, Philippe Koeune, Shana Moulton, Isabel Tesfazghi, Lou Touchard and Filip Vervaet.Whereas Chapter 1 was loosely based on Carl Gustav Jung's notion of archetypes and the collective unconsciousness, Chapter 3 deals with Jung's concept of the Double. Besides being autonomous strong works, every artwork in the exhibition is mirroring one from Chapter 1, whereas by subject matter, medium or technical specifications.
Joris Van de Moortel in Mirrored Infinities (Group Show): Tour & Taxis, Brussels, Belgium
Past event
Tour & Taxis, Brussels, Belgium