Can you make no use of your discontent, 2023
I am a harbinger of spring, the head harbinger, 2023
Look, if you have a dress AND, 2023
That is not what I meant at all..., 2023
And nothing is but what is not, 2021
Anger, unload the daydreams!, 2021
Yes I’m alone, but I’m alone and free!, 2021
Abstract 17, 2020
Abstract 16, 2020
Abstract 11, 2019
Such stuff as dreams are made on, 2019
Faerie gives delight and hurts not, 2017
Figure 2d, 2016
Figure 2e, 2016
Figment 1m, 2015
Come and join us, 2013
Memory origin space, 2013
A bouquet to all of you, 2012
Heart blossom, 2012
Untitled (T1000), 1996